Eye care is an essential need for everyone, and it is important to have an eye exam every year, or at least every other year. With so many Americans in need of glasses today, the work of opticians and other eye doctors increases in need constantly. Glasses, contact lenses, and eye correction surgery all help to repair vision needs.
America’s Vision Problem
It is important to visit your optometrist to complete the vision test that determines your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Many optometrists also have opticians in house who are able to develop and dispense glasses and contacts. There are also opticians who complete corrective eye surgery, though that is usually done at a separate surgical center.
Most of America faces some sort of vision problem, especially American adults. Almost 65% of adults in the United States wear prescription eyewear as of 2016. Additionally, between the ages of 12 and 54, a little over 40% of Americans are nearsighted. No matter what, this means that a majority of the population must purchase either glasses or contacts on a regular basis from their optician in order to help see well.
The Optometrist vs. The Optician
It is important to remember the difference between your optometrist and optician. Many times both of these are available in one office if you wear eyeglasses or contacts. Many optometrists also provide optician services, especially in the choice of your eyeglasses immediately after your eye exam. Eye wear is offered by many designers and in many various styles and frames. Eye wear is available for improved vision, while there are also protective glasses that help in the workplace and other projects.
Many American adults also wear prescription sunglasses. However, many pairs of glasses and sunglasses end up broken or lost regularly. In addition to prescription glasses, there are reading glasses for which the need is also determined by an eye specialist or optometrist. Therefore, the manufacturing industry of eye wear continues to grow.
The Help of Vision Insurance
There is more to consider than your prescription when scheduling that annual eye care visit. It can be expensive, especially if multiple people in your family are found to face some sort of vision problems. At that point, vision insurance is important, in order to cover the cost of both the doctor visits and the production of glasses. This is important to help make sure that children’s eye care is handled well from an early age. This is important because about 25% of American children have vision issues that play a role in causing behavioral issues.