Snow Days and Other Unexpected Breaks Are a Great Way to Relax and Rejuvenate

Workplace anger

Report cards. Check.

Home visit scheduled. Check.
Student work plans updated. Check.

Teacher lesson plans started. Check.

Emails read and answered. Check.

Getting dressed and out of pajamas. Not so much.
If anyone really wants to know the best way to learn how to deal with burnout at work, just ask a teacher on an unexpected Snow Day!
Whether classes are cancelled because of the amount of snow, the amount of ice, or the combination of the temperature and wind chill, few things are as exciting as when school is cancelled because of a snow day. And while many parents think about their children’s excitement, the fact of the matter is that the teachers are often just as thrilled. In fact, an unexpected day away from school is how to deal with burnout at work. A day at home making cookies with your own kids, taking some extra time to organize closets and drawers, sitting by the fire place to read a book. Every one of these things is part of a perfect break that many teachers can really use.
Finding a Way to Recover from Job Burnout and Job Stress Is an Essential Coping Skill
There are many careers that involve stressful working conditions. And while not all jobs are the same, many of them have similar causes of stress, anger, and burnout. From long hours to stressful situations with parents, clients, and patients, many people who go to work are really in need of a break when they leave school, the office, or the hospital. Consider some of these facts and figures about workplace stress and the effects that it can have on people if they do not know how to handle it correctly:

  • 66% of both men and women indicate that their work has a significant impact on their stress level.
  • 25% of both men and women indicate that they have called in sick or taken a mental health day as a result of work stress.
  • Workplace stress is the cause of approximately one million U.S. employees missing work each day.

If you are not in a profession, or a location, where you get the occasional Snow or Cold Weather day, it is your responsibility to make sure that you find other ways to rest and relax so that you can be the vest at your job when you are on the clock. Signs of physical exhaustion are often easy to spot in your friends, but it is also important that you look our for signs that you need a break and how to deal with burnout at work.

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