Yoga is often linked to ideas such as mindfulness, spirituality, and relaxation, and with good reason. It helps your mind and spirit in many ways. However, that’s not all that it does. It also also incredibly beneficial for your body and improving your physical health.
Yoga can help with a great number of things such as flexibility, back pain, muscle gain, and more. Dr Michael Sinel uses it to help his patients with back pain disorders and to assist in spinal disorder rehabilitation.
Continue reading to learn more about how yoga helps the body.
Improve Flexibility
A key part of yoga is stretching and building flexibility in different parts of your body. It helps to loosen up tight spots and train your body to bend into the unique positions that yoga requires. At first you might not be able to achieve exact poses, but the more you practice them and the more your muscles loosen the easier the poses will become.
Gain Muscle and Burn Fat
Yoga is also wonderful for people who want to become slimmer and more fit. The challenging positions and fluctuations in movement help to work your muscles while burning calories. There are lower impact routines for people who are just starting out and you can slowly work your way up into harder routines as your body adjusts.
Help with Back Pain
Dr Michael Sinel uses yoga to assist with back pain. Yoga can help to loosen the muscles in the back, stretch the spine, and work out kinks that are causing discomfort. Whether you are dealing with a spinal disorder or just have back pain from sitting at a desk all day, this practice can really help.
Wake Up and Get to Sleep Easier
Another great benefit of yoga is that it can help you sleep better or help to wake you up in the morning. Different routines and breathing patterns have different effects on the body, so depending on what you need help with you can choose a yoga routine that works for that. Some are more energizing while others help to calm you.
There isn’t much that yoga doesn’t do for your body. It’s incredible for your health and can help you on your journey to becoming a better you.