Get Back On the Field: Benefits of Manual Therapy For Athletic Performance

The ancient form of modern physical therapy dates back to 460 B.C. when Hector and Hippocrates (the founder of medicine as a rational science) used hydrotherapy (water therapy) and massages to treat their patients who were suffering from various forms of pain.

Over the last few decades, since athletic competition has become so popular at all levels, physical therapy is needed more than ever before. Physical therapy often includes some form of Manual therapy, which can immediately help relieve chronic pain, ease tense muscles, improve joint functions, and get athletes back on the field.

Here are some of the main benefits of manual therapy for athletic rehabilitation:


    • Decreased tissue inflammation.


    • Strengthening of weakened muscles.


    • Enhanced healing of the tissue.


    • Relief of muscle spasms.


    • Reduced degeneration and risk of future injury.


    • Increased mobility and range of physical motion.


    • Increased balance and coordination.


    • Spinal and extremity pain relief.


    • Increased joint health.


In addition to manual therapeutic treatments, there are dozens of other forms of physical therapy and sports medications that can help athletes get back on the field. Here are some of the more common sports treatments:

  • Hot and cold pack application — Hot packs are great for tending to sport-related injuries where there is bleeding or absence of swelling. Additionally, ice packs can help reduce swelling and tend to pain.


  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) — This is a small battery-operated device that directs signals that stimulate the skin over the injured area, causing a tingling sensation. TENS is great for providing immediate temporary relief of pain.


  • Therapeutic exercises — Here are some of the most popular and helpful forms of therapeutic exercises: stretching, strengthening, gait training, range of motion (ROM), and more.


  • Interferential current — This process is done by sending electrical impulses from electrodes into the tissues of the area that is in pain. Interferential current changes the firing of nerve and their conduction of pain signals. Additionally, this form of treatment can improve vascularity and reduce swelling.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of manual therapy or consult with a trusted sports injury doctor, check us out right away.


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