Many people have to deal with skin issues. However, acne can become a major issue that needs to be handled with the help of a dermatologist. Acne bad skin can impact your self-esteem and have a major social or emotional impact on your life. While most people have acne during puberty, for some it can lead to scarring or remain an issue in later years. If this is the case for you, seeing a specialist can help you solve your problems.
A dermatologist specializes in skin conditions. They’ll be able to help you determine what is causing the acne and what the best solutions for it would be. You can try different medications and lifestyle adjustments to find out which will work better. So, if you have acne everywhere, these treatments can help narrow down the cause and find a solution. While the occasional acne breakout on neck isn’t a big deal, constant acne can be painful and embarrassing. Your primary care doctor can help you to decide whether it is time to see a dermatologist.

While the vast majority of teenagers will have occasional acne, there are more serious cases that demand attention from a dermatologist. Understandably, teenagers who experience severe acne may be reluctant to visit with a dermatologist in person; luckily, finding a dermatologist online is now possible. About two out of three doctors are transitioning to telemedicine, and dermatology patients can now meet with their treating physicians from the comfort of their own homes.
In general, patients are willing to teleconference with their doctors. Recently, seven out of 10 patients surveyed said that they would prefer to consult with their dermatologist online. While video conferencing could make diagnosis easier — doctors can enlarge, scan, and share patient video — some of the best rated dermatologist teams still schedule follow-up appointments in person.
Acne is surprisingly common: more than 50 million Americans report that they have had acne or scarring due to severe acne. While most people have acne in their teenage years, there are some dermatology patients whose acne persists well into adulthood. Bright red, cystic acne should be treated by the best rated dermatologist locally; patients with allergic reactions to medication should inform their doctors during their initial consultation.
Scarring from acne also affects almost half of all American adults; experts advise that scratching or picking at acne can promote scarring, and mention that despite the widespread availability of “natural” and over-the-counter acne treatments, professional treatment is still preferable. Some acne can be caused by an allergic reaction to medication, and part of a consultative visit with the best rated dermatologist teams should be a thorough discussion of the patient’s medical history and diet.
Occasionally, severe allergic reactions to prescribed acne medication may occur, and patients should immediately consult their dermatologist online or at the office. For the most part, acne should fade as the patient grows older, but there seems to be a genetic component to some severe cases of cystic acne.
Dermatologists can also work with patients who are concerned about other skin conditions: psoriasis, lesions, and spider veins are all topics that can be addressed with a dermatology team. Acne may be discouraging, but teenagers should take confidence in the fact that their skin problems are most likely temporary. With more dermatologists available for video conferencing online, the rate of patients seeking treatment for skin problems should continue to increase worldwide.