The sciatic nerve is one of the longest nerves in the human body. It travels down from the back, all the way to the knee, and it is prone to being pinched, compressed, and aggravated by any number of back and spine problems. Symptoms of sciatica include radiating pain, numbness, and tingling. Untreated, sciatica can cause persistent pain and trouble, and can make even the simplest of tasks, such as walking, an exercise in endurance.
If you are a senior, and you want to find sciatica relief, it’s important to know what exactly is behind your pain. Most cases are due to herniated discs, a condition where spinal disc material ruptures or herniates, and hits the sciatic nerve. However, another potential cause could be piriformis syndrome. Pain, paresthesia, tingling, aching, numbness, and swelling could be experienced in the general pelvic, buttock, and lower back region due to this syndrome which is localized to the piriformis muscle. This is a muscle that covers a broad area, and has a tendency to compress the sciatic nerve.
DTS Triton spinal decompression and surgical herniated disc repair may not always be a good option for seniors seeking treatment of spine problems, dependent on overall health and underlying causes. Fortunately, most studies have confirmed that conservative treatments are very effective in treating sciatica as a result of a herniated disc. Bed-rest, acupuncture, chiropractic care, physical therapy, and pain management are often enough to see you through to relief. Massage therapy can be helpful in improving the flexibility of joints, and cold laser therapy may also be helpful in stimulating healing.
Although the degeneration of bones and tissues is a normal part of the aging process, that doesn’t mean that you have to go without sciatica relief, just because pain is to be expected. In fact, there could be some underlying cause that is doing more damage than you realize. Piriformis syndrome is just one of many conditions that could be behind sciatica. Spinal stenosis, bone spurs, and arthritis are also possible culprits.
Ultimately, a doctor or chiropractor will have to determine what is causing your particular pain and problem with the sciatic nerve. Every day there are 31 million people in the U.S. that experience back pain. Until you can find sciatica relief in the form of prescribed treatment, anti-inflammatory pain medication, heat wraps, and alternating rest with walking can help to manage the pain. Pain and discomfort should not be an expectation in old age, so don’t ignore the symptoms of sciatica and brush them off as a normal part of aging. Sciatica, and the syndrome or condition behind it, are wholly treatable. Helpful info also found here: www.premierhealthnj.com