Taking a Healh Journey for Weight Loss

It is hardly a secret that there is an obesity epidemic in the United States and a few foreign nations as well, and many American adults and adolescents alike are heavier than their doctors or the American Heart Association recommends. A number of causes have been identified for this, but overall, it could be said that eating better and learning to build muscle during a lifestyle diet plan can do a lot to reverse this damage. A concerned American may set themselves on a health journey to get in great shape, and this doesn’t have to be a chore or involve bland food. In fact, such a health journey involves fun and thrilling activities, building muscle, and a nutritious and tasty diet. Done right, a health journey won’t feel like a chore at all, but rather, acts as a new and better lifestyle that may soon be taken for granted (in a good way). What are the common causes for obesity today, and what might a fine health journey entail for an interested weight loser today?

Why Obesity Happens

One major factor for today’s obesity rates in kids and adults alike is simply a poor diet. Most Americans regularly eat fast food and processed foods, but these foods are not organic or wholesome. Rather, producers have put a lot of added sugars and fats in them to improve and strengthen their taste, but this comes at the cost of a lot of extra, unhealthy calories. Such food packs on the pounds in a hurry, and these added sugars are even more common and widespread than most Americans may realize. Some have argued that added sugar can be thought of as the new tobacco.

A lack of exercise is the other major factor here. The American Heart Association has set modest guidelines for exercise for kids and adults, but most Americans fall short of even that. Many Americans aren’t even getting half an hour of exercise five times a week, and this sedentary behavior means that calories are not being burned. The human body is designed to move, a relic from times when our ancestors hunted game across prehistoric Africa and Europe. Our lifestyle is different now, but our bodies “remember” that active lifestyle and often punish sedentary behavior. This may manifest as weight gain, increased risk of diabetes or stroke or heart attack, and even trouble with sleep or mood disorders. Obesity is often linked to poor self-esteem and depression, and only partly because of body image issues. The good news is that nearly anyone can embark on a health journey to reverse this, and transform their health.

Getting Into Shape

Before starting one’s health journey, a person should consult a nutritionist and their personal doctor to make sure that their new regimen will be both healthy and effective. Some Americans have allergies or other complications such as diabetes or lactose intolerance, so a doctor can help them design a new diet that is both healthy and suitable for them to eat. Their doctor, meanwhile, will determine what level and types of exercise are safest for their patient. A bad back, recent surgery, arthritis, a heart conditions, or other complications should be taken into consideration first.

A new diet will remove all fast food and processed foods from a person’s diet, and this cuts them off from these bad added sugars and fats that serve as empty calories. Often, frozen foods have a lot of additives in them, but not fresh and wholesome ingredients. A new diet will not only restore proper caloric intake, but it will also boost nutrition. Many Americans have nutritional deficiencies, and they especially fall short in fruit and vegetable consumption. A good diet is both healthy and fun, and may open up lots of new recipe and flavor ideas.

Meanwhile, good exercise burns fat and calories, develops muscles, and feels great all at the same time. A person may try some strength training with weights, or they can try cardio. This ranges from swimming (works out lots of muscles) all the way to bicycle riding and jogging. Someone on a health journey can try martial arts too, and take a class in their area. These martial arts can also double as self defense.

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