Here in the United States and all around the world, chronic pain – which, by definition, lasts for at least 12 weeks, if not even longer – is unfortunately quite commonplace. In fact, as many as one and a half billion people are currently dealing with some type of Chronic pain, oftentimes on a daily basis, all throughout the world and on a global scale. And chronic pain comes in many shapes and sizes, though very nearly 60% of all chronic pain sufferers have stated that this chronic pain has had a considerable impact on their overall quality of life, often reducing their enjoyment of it quite significantly.
And chronic pain comes in all forms. Chronic back pain, for instance, can be caused by everything from genetic conditions (like that of scoliosis) to lifestyle causes, such as working at a computer, often while sitting hunched over at a desk, on a daily basis. Lower back pain is particularly common, but all types of back pain can be utterly debilitating. And back pain is certainly far from the only type of chronic pain experienced both here in the United States and on a much more global scale as well.
For instance, the condition of trigeminal neuralgia (often known only as TN) can have a huge impact on overall quality of life. This condition, trigeminal neuralgia, is a chronic pain condition that impacts the fifth cranial nerve (called, as you might have guessed, the trigeminal nerve). This can cause intense neuropathic pain due to the fact that this fifth cranial nerve is one of the most widely distributed all throughout the head. This type of pain can originate from a number of places, as is the case with back pain, though most typically from nerve damage or a nerve lesion on that fifth cranial nerve.
And TN can impact the lives of many throughout the United States, though it is most commonly found in women who have reached or surpassed the age of 50. Out of any group of 100,000 people sampled here in the United States, as many as 12 people will be impacted. And, unfortunately, trigeminal neuralgia can be quite long lasting.
For all types of pain, from the nerve pain associated with TN to the back pain that can cause by long hours spent at a desk on craning to work on a laptop computer, ultrasound therapy, often with the use of a hands free ultrasound, can provide a viable form of pain relief that does not require the use of pain medications. As this is something that many people are looking to avoid (especially with such a crisis of addiction so widespread all throughout the United States), the use of a hands free ultrasound (or other type of ultrasound) to provide pain relief is a promising prospect indeed.
Therapeutic ultrasound, such as can be done with a hands free ultrasound, is ideal for treating many different types of pain. Nerve damage is one type of pain that a hands free ultrasound can readily be used to treat, but it is far from the only type of pain that is seen, especially regarding chronic pain. Tissue damage, though frequently present with nerve damage, can be treated through the use of a hands free ultrasound as well, relieving what is oftentimes high levels of pain. And even if the use of a hands free ultrasound for therapeutic purposes does not completely eliminate the pain that any one person is experiencing, it can certainly reduce it quite considerably, which is most definitely better than doing nothing about it at all, to be sure.
And the use of therapeutic ultrasound, such as what can be conducted with a hands free ultrasound or other type of ultrasound, has been in use for quite a significant period o time. In fact, this method of pain management and healing has actually been in use since back in the 1940s, now nearly 80 years in the past. Clearly, the precedent for ultrasound therapy is a truly impressive one, not to be discounted.