If you want to get into better shape, you may decide to join one of the small private gyms in your neighborhood. Although you might do your best to exercise regularly, committing to a gym membership can help you become more intentional about your fitness goals. Just being around other people who are committed to fitness can help solidify your own commitment to your health. Read on to learn more.
Another benefit of joining a gym is the availability of one on one training. Most gyms will provide access to a choice of private personal trainers who can help develop a plan that will help you reach your fitness goals. When you come to the gym, ask the staff about which personal trainers are available and talk to some of them to see which ones you might feel comfortable working with.
Once you choose a personal trainer, they will weigh you and take measurements of your body. They’ll ask you about your fitness goals and help you compile a personal trainer fitness plan. You will work with your trainer, according to this plan, in order to meet your fitness goals. Your trainer will probably also encourage you to follow a healthy food plan.
New Year’s resolutions have become notorious for never being completed — especially common ones such as resolving to go to the gym more. In a time when it is estimated that more than 78 million American adults and 12.5 million children are obese, it is now most important that people actually follow through on these resolutions. Below are three tips to help people fight the trend and accomplish their fitness goals.
Buying What’s Right: Home Fitness to Premium Fitness Equipment
Exercise equipment is critical to getting your body into top physical shape. The fitness warehouse is popular as ever, but that does not necessarily mean more people are exercising. For some, unused equipment by the doorstep might be all the motivation they need to get started, while others will find having to go shopping and spending money at fitness stores to be a barrier to working out. Cardio equipment and strength equipment are, generally, the two types of gear people can buy or come across at the gym.
Buying the wrong gym equipment from these categories is another barrier to exercise. Equipment that is uncomfortable, such as running shoes that are too tight, or weights that are too heavy and could cause injury, can have negative effects on your gym habits. Buying gym equipment that matches your fitness goals from relevant sports stores is an important step toward a healthy lifestyle.
Developing a Routine
There is more and more research suggesting that the younger you start the easier it is to develop healthy habits that stick over the long-term. According to Psychology Today, the fact that 97% of people who lose weight will have gained it back within five years demonstrates how hard learned behaviors can be to change.
Currently, only one in three children is active every day in the United States, which the Department of Health and Human Services said can lead to health problems for inactive children later in life. This also illustrates the issue of not developing healthy habits — but there are easy solutions.
Approximately 30% of American adults over the age of 15 report walking for exercise, for example. Starting to walk more and finding a routine that works for you could be the start of a physical fitness turnaround.
Getting up and Going
Nike’s famous slogan might make hitting the gym seem easier said than done, especially considering the responsibilities at work, school, and home that keep everyone occupied these days. But, there is something to be said for simply getting started — every sports star and marathon runner had to take baby steps before they could fly. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services reported that less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
In contrast, the Cleveland Clinic recommends adults getting 30 of physical activity for five days a week to improve cardiovascular health. This shows how many people still need to take that first step and get started in order to hit their exercise and fitness goals.
The New Year is still new, and there is plenty of time to make 2019 the year when you accomplish your fitness resolution. By taking that first step and starting a workout, finding a routine that works for you, and purchasing the right gym equipment, you could be well on your way to accomplishing your fitness goals.