4 Steps to a More Relaxed and Focused You

Medical massage for headaches

Whether you’re tired and stressed, recovering from an illness, or trying to manage chronic pain, sometimes the best thing you can do is give yourself some “me” time. Between July 2013 and July 2014, 23% of all massages were for relaxation or for stress reduction. And 92% of people agree that massage can be effective to reduce pain. Combine your massage with treatments like facials, eyebrow tinting, and waxing and take a wellness day that will give you a lift.

  • Start with a massage to reduce stress, relieve pain, and relax you. The International Journal of Preventative Medicine has found that massage therapy is an effective intervention for controlling blood pressure in women who have pre-hypertension. The effects of a message last for 72 hours. Massage therapy is increasingly something that doctors discuss with their clients. Getting a massage is an effective way of lowering stress and the health benefits of therapeutic massage go beyond simple relaxation.
  • Continue the relaxation and focus on you with treatments that help you look your best. Once you feel your best, you want to look your best, too. With lower stress, you have a few moments to care about the things there isn’t time to focus on at other times. The relaxation you feel after targeting muscle aches and pains will eventually go away. The feeling of a new you that comes from professional eyebrow tinting, waxing, professional facials, and skin care will last a lot longer.
  • Start with some skin care. Life is hard on our skin. Almost 85% of people will have acne at some point, and it even affects people long after puberty. By the time they reach their mid-teens, a good 40% of people have acne scarring. Good professional skin care and facials can help you remove a lot of the signs of acne and the turn back some of the effects of the sun. And always remember: anyone who uses sunscreen of SPF 15 or more every day will show 24% less aging in their skin than those who don’t.
  • Move on to deal with the hair. More women are now interested in having the perfect eyebrow, whether that means plucking, tinting, or adding on. Check out Instagram and the hashtag #brows to see just how popular it is. Tinting will help you match your eyebrow color to the color of your hair so you’ll look your best. While you’re dealing with that hair, why not add in waxing? Waxing is the preferred form of hair removal for 21% of all women, and it takes three to eight weeks for waxed areas to grow back.

You need to take time to take care of yourself. When you’re under a lot of stress or managing chronic pain, it can be hard to think of doing much else. Massage therapy, combined with treatments like tinting will help you look and feel your best, and give you the drive to get out there and do more.

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