6 Things to Look for in a Nursing Home

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If you have an elderly loved one that is really becoming incapable of caring for themselves, it might be time to start to compare nursing homes and seeing which long-term care services might be best for you and your loved one. This is always going to be a difficult decision but you shouldn’t feel like you are doing something wrong. If you decide to compare nursing homes, you are simply looking into your options and don’t have to make any immediate decisions. However, the day is going to come where you will have to have to make the difficult decisions and you should be prepared for them and have done all the research necessary. Here are a few things that you should look for in a skilled nursing care facility.

Scheduled Eating Times
One of the main ways to know that it might be time to compare nursing homes is that you loved one has started forgetting to eat or not wanting to eat. A good nursing home will have scheduled eating times for all meals and will encourage snacks. A great nursing home will even have individualized meals for each resident depending on their specific nutrient needs. As people get older, they tend to become deficient in different areas of nutrition. They’ll need to take supplements or make sure that they are getting enough of a certain kind of food in order to make sure that they stay as healthy as possible.

Nice Outdoor Facilities
Being outside is very important. Even if it’s just to sit on the porch and look at the view. Being cooped up inside is not a good idea. Every day there should be time for the residents to be able to go outside and get some fresh air, even if it’s just for a few minutes. That’s why it’s important that the facilities outdoors are nice. No one will want to go outside and get that fresh air if they are just looking at walls and sidewalks. There should be an expanse of greenery and flowers and trees that are not only nice to look at but also clean the air and promote oxygen.

Physical Activity Opportunities
This is not talking about aggressive sports. Low impact activities like water aerobics, biking, golfing and walking are all very appropriate physical activities for people of an older age. when you compare nursing homes, make sure that you are looking at the types of activities that are offered. Your loved one may even be in quite good physical condition and want to partake in a little tennis or racquetball. Whatever you loved one likes, make sure that the nursing homes that you are considering have it. You want them to always feel at home and have fun where they are. A happy and positive way of thinking and mindset will lead to a healthier physical body and many long years of life.

Privacy Policies
While it’s important that your elderly loved ones are properly looked after and that they make sure that they don’t fall or hurt themselves, there should still be an element of privacy that they are allowed. You don’t want a nursing home that treats their residents like inmates. They should be allowed to do all of the day to day activities that they want to on their own. If this means that getting dressed takes a lot longer than it would if they had help, then so be it. Just make sure that there are enough rails and seating areas in their room so that they can do these types of things on their own.

Open Visiting Hours
Some nursing homes have specific visiting hours. The best kinds of homes are the ones that have open visiting hours and encourage family and friends to come and visit whenever they want. Of course, this needs to be reasonable. You can’t come and visit at two o’clock in the morning when your loved one should be getting their much needed rest.

Encouraged Socializing
Make sure that there are socializing opportunities for your loved one. You want to know that they have friends and people that care for them around at all times, even when you can not be there. Having friends promotes happiness.

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