Many adults experience a wide variety of health conditions, and some such medical conditions are based on urology. Some adults, especially the elderly, experience difficulty with urination, such as forming a solid stream or keeping control of their bladder. This is a broad field known as incontinence, and incontinence can be a source of great inconvenience, mess, and embarrassment for someone. The good news is that modern medicine includes ways to restore some control over a person’s urination, and urology supplies may include catheters, including free catheter samples. A concerned patient may visit his or her urologist to get free catheter samples, and urological supplies such as these can provide great relief. Getting free catheter samples allows a patient to determine which model they want and which works best for them. These free catheter samples can be the first step to relief. What might someone want to know about incontinence today, and how to make the most of their catheter and collection bag in everyday life?
As mentioned above, this is a term for any issues with urination, such as trouble forming a solid stream or difficulty in controlling the release or urine. In general, as a person ages, the risk of incontinence increases, especially among men. It has been found that urinary incontinence rates climb with age, from 14% of all individuals aged 65-69 years all the way up to 45% among those age 85 and over. Similarly, it is common for American men aged 60 and over to experience some degree of BPH, or “benign prostatic hyperplasia. This condition may cause issues with blockage, and this can make urination difficult for them. What is more, repeated blockage may cause urine to build up and linger in the bladder for too long, and this increases the risk of infection.
In other cases, incontinence may be functional; that is, a man’s bladder and urethra are functioning normally, but difficulty in moving to the bathroom or unzipping one’s pants may be the issue. Arthritis is a common issue among the elderly, and an elderly man may suffer from functional incontinence if his hands are unable to operate pants zippers and other functions. This can cause many accidents, especially if the person suffers from regular incontinence as well. What can be done?
Getting a Catheter
Elderly Americans, and many hospital patients, have need for catheters, and a urologist can be consulted for this. In hospitals in particular, about 15-25% of patients need the placement of a foley catheter, or an indwelling catheter. This model of catheter helps urine pass from the bladder during a hospital stay or surgery. Doctors will be on hand in case there are complications, since catheter Associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) may happen. In fact, they are the most common type of healthcare-associated infection, making up 30% of all healthcare-related infections reported by American acute care hospitals. Nearly all healthcare-associated UTIs, or urinary tract infections, result from the insertion of the catheter. No one wants to get an infection like this, but if they are in a hospital, they will have medical professionals nearby to help.
What about catheters in everyday life? Someone who is not staying in the hospital may get a catheter inserted, then carry a collection bag for convenience while not losing any mobility. In this case, the doctor may advise the patient on how often to empty out their collection bag. Most often, the collection bag should be emptied out on a daily basis, and they may be replaced once a week or twice a month (based on the doctor’s orders). If the catheter is inserted property and there are no leaks with the bag, then a person may enjoy full mobility while avoiding any problems with incontinence.