Two to four percent of all Americans have an undiagnosed case of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that causes your breathing to stop and start repeatedly throughout the night. If left untreated, it drastically reduces the amount of restful sleep your body gets. This causes chronic fatigue and irritability. Luckily, treatment is readily available through a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine and other sleep related medical equipment.
When it comes to sleep related medical equipment for sleep apnea, there are a variety of options. There are three main types of masks: nasal CPAP masks, nasal pillows, and full face CPAP masks. Many users prefer nasal CPAP masks due to their versatility in sizing, but nasal pillows are also popular due to their minimally invasive design.
If you can’t decide which type of mask you think would be best, there are a number of other factors that can affect their overall efficiency. For example, if you primarily breathe through your nose, a nasal CPAP mask will be more effective than a full face CPAP mask. If comfort is a major concern for you, perhaps you should avoid the full face CPAP mask, as the bulky design often makes users feel claustrophobic. But the number one deciding factor in choosing a CPAP mask should be the health benefits. Although sleeping with a full face CPAP mask may not be the most appealing, it’s important to give it a try if your doctor says it would be the best type. Of course, you have the final say, but having some discomfort while you sleep is a small price to pay if you wake up feeling refreshed restful. Keep this in mind while making your decision.
If you’re still totally clueless as to what kind of sleep related medical equipment would best benefit you, talk to a sleep technologist for a demonstration of the three types of CPAP masks. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, either — your health should be your number one priority.
Getting a restful night’s sleep will always be important to maintain your overall health. If you think you may have sleep apnea or another sleeping condition, talk to a sleep technologist today. Help is readily available, and you deserve the best treatment possible.