There are many different medical conditions that may call for hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds. Hyperbaric medicine is also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and is the medical use of oxygen administered at a higher level than atmospheric pressure.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds and other medical conditions can include treatments for Lyme disease. This disease was first recognized in 1975, when there were a high number of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis cases identified in Lyme, Connecticut. This disease is caused by the bacterium borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans via the bit of infected blacklegged ticks. This is a particularly dangerous disease, and if left untreated can have the infection spreading to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds is especially beneficial in treating this condition because the number of reported cases, as well as a widening geographic location in which it is found, is increasing.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds received at hyperbaric treatment centers entail having patients enter a chamber where they will breathe higher concentrations of oxygen, with the key to the treatment being the pressure level. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds essentially forces oxygen into the body.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds can also help improve the immune system. Because the immune systems requires oxygen to perform at its highest capacity, the increased oxygen levels will boost the immune system. Also, as people grow older they often cannot breathe as deeply as when they were younger. Hyperbaric treatments can help the people take in more oxygen into their systems.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds can also detoxify the systems of the body. This is due to the fact that when the pressurized oxygen is placed into the body, it forces out toxins and impurities. Additionally, hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds improves healing and circulation by increasing the oxygen levels of the body.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds can also rebuild damaged cells. As the oxygen is forced into the cells, circulation is improved providing easier cell repair and regrowth.
Other benefits from hyperbaric treatment centers and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds include increased mental acuity and better focus.
Find more on this topic here: h3oxygentherapy.com