Testing Accommodations Are Sometimes Available for Preprofessional Tests

Every learner is different. Every learner faces challenges. Every learner, however, deserves a chance to succeed. And while there are different kinds of success, there are some prescribed levels that of success that people need to reach if they want to be able to go after their goals. For instance, if you want to be able to go to law school, medical school, or law school you need to be able to get an acceptable score on the entrance exams. If you are someone who has always struggled with standardized testing, though, getting the right accommodations can help you reach your goals.

Even before students reach the level where they are completing their preprofessional degrees, there are times when it is important for learners to get the educational accommodations that they need. Fortunately, parents can request that even their youngest children get the testing they need to qualify for the accommodations that can help them succeed.

From neuropsych evaluations to ADHD testing, there are a number of ways that experts can help you understand the challenges that your children might be facing and the solutions that are available to help them find the success they deserve.

Neuropsych Evaluations and Other Tests Can Help Determine Learning Styles and Needed Accommodations

Whether you are a parent looking for ways to make sure that your student with Autism gets the help that he needs or you are a soon to be college graduate who is looking for a way to be successful on a preprofessional exam, it is important to make use of all the available resources. Knowing, for instance, that you qualify for GMAT accommodations, LSAT accommodations, or other allowances can help you in your quest to reach your goals.

Consider these facts and figures about some of the learning issues that students of all ages face:

  • Although only 2 million know it, tt is estimated that over 40 million American adults are dyslexic.
  • It is important to remember that dyslexia is not tied to IQ. In fact, Einstein was dyslexic and had an estimated IQ of 160.
  • 6.4 million American children between the ages of four and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD.
  • Sometimes causing them to miss work, adults with ADD are three times more likely to suffer stress, depression, or other emotional problems.
  • One in 45 children between the ages of three and 17 have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a government survey of parents.
  • 20% of U.S. children have learning and attention issues such as dyslexia and ADHD, but 48% of parents believe incorrectly that children will outgrow these difficulties.

If you have a learning disorder, it is possible that you can receive accommodations for any testing situations that you might face. With the help of a number of neuropsych evaluations that are available, you can find out if you qualify for extra time during a testing situation or other accommodations.

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