Those stylish shades aren’t just for show. They’re how you protect yourself from harmful UV rays and protect your eyesight!
It’s easy to forget this in today’s glamorous mainstream culture, but sunglasses are a very useful tool you should always have in your bag. They come in many shapes and sizes, customizable to an obscene degree. They’re incredibly fashionable and can add a touch of perfection to nearly any outfit. Frankly put…there’s no reason not to have some sunglasses on hand. If you’re one of the many looking forward to the heat of summer, take a few minutes to learn about finding the right sunglasses.
Keep the glare at bay and your health where it needs to be. Here are five fun facts about clear lenses and sunglasses, as well as how you can get the perfect pair.
Sunglasses Are One Of Today’s Most Misused Accessories
Did you know an American breaks, sits on, or loses a pair of sunglasses every 15 minutes? That may not come as a surprise, as you’ve likely gone through a few yourself. Sunglasses are commonly treated as a fashion accessory and little else. They’re actually a very good way of protecting your eyesight from harmful UV rays and maintaining your safety while driving on the open road. Respecting the ability of sunglasses will get you closer to finding the perfect pair to supplement your lifestyle with.
Fancy Shades Have Been Around For Quite Some Time
You may look at Oakley frogskin lenses and think sunglasses are a modern invention. Far from it, actually! Historians have found eye protection from the sun to be a very old creation — the very first sunglasses were credited all the way to 12th century Chinese cultures, designed to protect the eyes from the sun and shield the gaze from court proceedings. These would continue to be refined little by little over the centuries, slowly morphing into the sleek constructions we know today. Ray-Ban designed anti-glare aviator style sunglasses during World War II to help pilots navigate the skies.
You Can Find Sunglasses In Nearly Every Aspect Of Society
Think about iconic characters from films known for their bold shades. What about advertisements for vacation spots that make wearing sunglasses look cooler than normal? Even music is not exempt from the power of polarized lenses — three popular sunglasses songs include ‘Cheap Sunglasses’, ‘Sunglasses At Night’, and ‘The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades’. Elton John is believed to have the world’s largest sunglasses collection, rumored at 1,000 plus. Elvis Presley’s iconic Madison Square Garden sunglasses sold for $250,000 on eBay.
Replacement Lenses Can Take Your Unique Eyesight Into Account
Do away with cheap sunglasses and search for a pair that truly embrace your unique features. Oakley frogskin lenses and photochromatic lenses go above and beyond the look, offering you a wealth of benefits that will have you seeing clearer in no time. Back in 2004 Oakley developed what’s known as the ‘Thump,’ sunglasses that have a built-in digital audio player. A year later this same company would craft the Razrwire, sunglasses with a built-in wireless cell phone headset. Even if you don’t want quite that many accessories, your eye doctor can prescribe you something truly special.
Go Above And Beyond With Custom Sunglasses
Do you struggle with mild colorblindness? Are you severely nearsighted and in need of an update? No matter what you need, there’s a type of sunglasses available to make you look at things differently. Healthy eyesight is just like maintaining healthy skin or healthy teeth — you need to weather the elements little by little. The sun’s rays are considered their strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so make sure to wear proper Oakley frogskin lenses during those hours if you’re driving or walking.
Stylish and healthy, sunglasses are here to stay. What could a new pair of photochromatic transitions lenses or Oakley frogskin lenses do to help you enjoy summer more?