Emergency Clinic Deep Dive Part Two: What to Expect When You Arrive

emergency medical careEach day, millions of Americans go to the emergency room, whether the result of a broken bone or broken water. Still, it’s not a common occurrence in many people’s daily lives. Because of that, we have dedicated this two part blog series to better explain emergency medical care clinics and help prepare you, should you ever need to visit.

The first post in this blog was dedicated to how to prepare for a trip to the emergency room. In this second installment, we will try to prepare you for what you can expect once you have arrived.

What Happens When You Arrive
The first thing that will happen when you arrive at the emergency clinic, after you fill out forms, is a nurse will look you over to assess the severity of your injury or your illness. This usually will entail a preliminary medical exam including taking your pulse, blood pressure, and temperature. You’ll also be asked about your medical history and the circumstances surrounding your injury.

This examination exists to help the emergency room sort who most desperately needs medical attention, a process called triage. While it might seem unfair that your serious, though not life-threatening illness, might be set aside for more severe illness, keep in mind that every 34 seconds someone suffers a heart attack in the United States. Some medical emergencies require more immediate attention than others.

Eventually, you’ll be called in for examination. You’ll likely be left alone in one of the emergency medical care center’s exam rooms and asked to change into a hospital gown. This gown will facilitate your examination by the doctor. In addition, you may or may not be attached to a monitoring device. This allows your doctors and nurses to monitor your vital signs, while also allowing you a degree of privacy.

A doctor will then arrive and examine you. They’ll ask important questions and possibly perform simple tests and measurements. In some cases, the doctor might even order more complicated tests such as an X-ray or MRI imaging to be performed.

Based on your test results and examination, your doctor will devise an appropriate treatment plan. That means you might need to stay in the hospital for further observation, or you may be released with a prescription.

Severe and Life Threatening Conditions
In extremely severe instances, you may not experience anything listed above. Instead, you might find yourself ferried off for emergency surgical services. In this case, it’s important that you answer any questions you’re asked to the best of your ability. More importantly, do your very best to remain calm and trust that your doctors will take care of you.

This concludes our deep dive into the emergency medical care services clinic. Given this information, you should now feel confident that you’re prepared any time you need emergency care services.

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