How Achieving a Better Work-Life Balance Can Prevent Job Burnout

Signs of emotional exhaustion

Workplace stress and conflicts can lead to problems like burnout, workplace anger and emotional exhaustion. It’s important to recognize that these problems are not just due to long hours and hard work, but to lack of control over working conditions. When an individual’s personal philosophy is not aligned with the workplace goals, the results can be cynicism, hopelessness and anger. As employees and managers struggle to deal with these and other problems like managing anger in the workplace, there are some simple steps that may help to prevent the issues from arising in the first place.

Stress burnout symptoms and effects
Workplace stress is an intangible factor that produces very tangible results. It can lead to conflicts and mental health problems for workers and managers alike. As many as one million people miss work each day because they can’t handle the stress and conflicts in their workplace. One out of four workers has taken a mental health day to avoid workplace stress, and a large majority, more than two-thirds, report that workplace stress is the cause of their mental health problems.
Different professions have different rates of job stress. Somewhat surpassingly, it is the caring and helping professions, like medicine, education and counseling that have the highest stress levels. In fact, physicians experience burnout at a higher rate than other professions, with 36.2% exhibiting signs of job burnout.

What causes job burnout?
Managers and workers alike struggle to handle the mental health problems arising from stress. Managing anger in the workplace takes special skills and is not always successful. It may be better to head off the problems before they manifest themselves as conflicts, by encouraging workers to achieve a better work-life balance.
First of all, though, it’s important to recognizing the causes of burnout and stress in the workplace. They’re not just due to long hours and hard work. As the saying goes, anyone who truly enjoys their work will never work a day in their lives. Stress arises when workers feel that they have no control over their work, or lack the resources to do their job properly. They may be working toward goals that don’t match their personal calling. All of these lead to cynicism, emotional exhaustion and depression, which can be manifested in different ways.

Achieving work-life balance
While managers and employers direct their efforts towards managing anger in the workplace, it is better to see the problems coming and to head them off before they become irreconcilable conflicts. Achieving a work-life balance is one of the most important ways to avoid job stress and practical terms, this can mean setting boundaries, and not allowing job stress to take over your whole life.
Simple steps like setting aside time and space for yourself can give you more control over your life. Getting enough sleep, food and fluids is basic, but it’s surprising how many people lose track of these. Finding time to exercise is important, as is learning to let go of the negatives and to seek the positives. Negative emotions and people can be exhausting, and positive ones can be energizing and inspiring.

Job stress and conflicts in the workplace can lead to loss of productivity, mental health problems, and job burnout. While employers and managers may put a great deal of effort into managing anger in the workplace, it may be more effective to prevent it. A few simple step can help workers to achieve a better work-life balance.

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